Friday, December 5, 2014

Happy Holidays!

I have Sims 4 now.  A review and probably some sort of holiday celebration type thingie will be up sometime this month.
Drew Carey! :O

But when you're busy hobnobbing with celebrities there's not much time for anything else.  Don't be hating.

Go 4th and Sim!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Sims 4 CAS Demo

FINALLY got my hands on this (along with everyone else).  <mutter mutter>  Okay, whining over.  And the verdict is....I dunno.

I really miss the sliders because it's not always easy to move stuff around.  And honestly I don't see myself molding each part of the face.  I'd like to see all the accessories under one tab.  I don't understand why some t-shirts come in five colors and some only in one.  And yes, I understand it's a demo so the choices aren't going to be there.  I hope that when the game ships there are a more rounded choices of clothing.

 And for the love of all things llama and/or Freezer Bunny why is it so hard to get colors that match???  Yes, I'm missing CASt.  I would go to put a top and bottom together and the colors would just be a shade or two off enough to clash.  Maybe in Sims 5?

Now for the stuff I liked.  Yes, there are things I liked.  For one, hats on any head and boots in pants.  I like how things are separated by type.  I haven't really used any of the filters but as the choices grow I can see how that will be a good feature.  

The choice of hair are pretty good, at least of the ladies.  I like the longer styles in The Sims 4 but I do miss the detail with highlights and such.  The faces look pretty good and I think I'm getting the hang of making Sims that don't all look the same.  But that will probably still take some work.

I liked looking at some of the Sims in the gallery which is a nice feature.  Just as a side note I could do without the celebrities especially all the copies of the Frozen chicks.  And Kim Kardashian.  Gag.  Another strange this was not letting me upload sims based on their names.  So Duke Dinger and Nigel Ledbetter will only live in my game.  Well, at least Nigel will.  I kept him cuz he turned out cute.

Now the most important thing....PICTURES!!!

Serendipity Sunflower-The first version of her didn't come out good enough for me.  I went back and used the Sims 3 version to spruce her up.  I'm much happier with this version.  New and Improved!

And another one of Serendipity.

One of the most important things I had to decide was who to create first.  Serendipity was actually second.  I had to go old school and make the first sim I ever made...Belle Blu
Belle Blu 1.0

Belle Blu 2.0

Belle Blu 3.0

And finally.............
Belle Blu 4.0!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think the latest is my favorite version.

Yes, big improvement in 14 years.

I liked playing around with it (Origin says I played 9 hours yesterday :O)  I made 16 households that I saved.  There may have been a few more that didn't make it.  Including an ugly sim.  I will try to collect more pictures because...because.

The bottom line is that I'm still on the fence about The Sims 4.  I know I won't be getting it when it comes out because it's just not in the budget but getting to play with the CAS demo a little I'm feeling better about it.  I'm still a Simmer 4 Life so again it's not a matter of if I buy it, it's a matter of when.

Go 4th and Sim!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

SimCity Free Demo

Last night I took advantage of the free four hour demo of SimCity.   And first off just want to say the reviews weren't wrong.  The maps are way too small, making city layout awkward.  But the actual buildings are HUGE.  Maybe if the scale of things were a bit smaller it wouldn't be as bad.

Since I only had four hours to play I didn't get to play around with the settings.  And heck, didn't even find the settings until I had about a half-hour left to play.  But the graphics were just...not good.  Now this could be my computer.  It's not exactly on the newer side not exactly highest of specs but it really reminded me of The Streets of SimCity or even my beloved SimCopter.  Yeah, getting a totally 90's groove there.  I tried pushing stuff to the highest settings but nothing really changed.

Overall, it wasn't a bad game.  It was still SimCity enough but I'm not rushing out to buy it.  I think the single player mode was the best they could've added to it.  I can't imagine playing a region waiting for other people to help you out.  It seems like I was pushed into adding more stuff before I could fully realize what I even wanted to do.  This was probably because I was on a time limit of playing though.  I'm sure once I had the game I could play around with a region and make it into something I wanted.

And because they are sims, they will complain.  But as you can see, the city wasn't doing all that well.  Apparently, you can take pictures and movies but I never figured it out until I hit the C key and got this gem.

 I don't have any commentary on all the new Sims 4 news since I didn't really look at the new info.  But from the little I've seen, still feeling all meh about it.  Good thing I can't afford a new game right now anyway.

Go 4th and Sim!  Simmer 4 life!

And don't think I don't see some sort of irony that I use the 4's up there despite my feelings for this new version.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Insert Missing Demo Here

I'm just going to come right out and say it...I'm pissed that I don't have the Sims 4 CAS Demo.  Maybe I'm acting like a spoiled brat who feels they deserve it and yeah, I don't care.

I can understand getting the demo in the hands of Youtubers and websites for review but it just seems like more normal players have it and some people who haven't even really played The Sims 3.  What's the point of releasing to the general public when most people are going to have it before then?  I know I'm being pissy about it but it's hard to see all this new stuff from other players like me and I can take part in it.  I'm pretty much avoiding any Sims 4 news except in the most glancing way.

I think this will probably be the last I say of this in public (such as my "public" is) I'll just stew over in my corner here.

Of course I should say that I reserve the right to change my opinion if circumstances change.

Go 4th and Sim!  Simmer4life!

Thursday, July 24, 2014

That's Amore from The Sims 3 Store!

Today another milestone is reached in The Sims 3 history.

The last set from The Sims 3 Store.  :(

Hey Simmers!

We’re really excited to start talking about our August release! Prepare to be swept away by the love, romance, and quaint charm inspired by Venice. Woo the love of your Sim’s life by creating an enchanting Gondola ride with five different canal pieces surrounded by beautiful Venetian décor.  We can’t wait to see the unique stories you create and share with each other!

While this is the final new content release from The Sims 3 Store, we do want to thank you for being such great fans and supporting The Sims 3 Store through some amazing times. We’ve put together a free sportswear set as a special “thank you” gift, and you can download it here!

As a friendly reminder, SimPoints are non-transferable and can only be redeemed within The Sims 3 Store. The Sims 3 Store is staying open so you can continue to access all of the great content we’ve made over the years.

We hope you will enjoy the final Store content and that you are getting as excited about The Sims 4 as we are! The team is hard at work putting all the finishing touches on game before it releases this September.

Have Fun!

The Sims 3 Store 

This kinda has me bummed but I guess it's expected.  One point of note here.  Sim Points are only able to be used in the Sims 3 Store.  Probably because of the new premium set up they have planned.  Not sure how I feel about that probably get more into it when more details are released.  

As of now we're only just over a month to go before release.  Yay, I guess.  Got other stuff to worry about  before I get The Sims 4.  And I'm still enjoying The Sims 3.  And a little bit of The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection.  If I could just play it without my sim's head exploding I'd enjoy it more.  There's a fix for the graphics issues but I don't think I care enough to do it.  

Farewell, Sims 3 Store!  You've added many fun things to my game.  Now just get your act together and free up the Savvy Seller's set without having to buy that stupid world!  Thanks much!

Go 4th and Sim!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Sims 4: Gameplay Walkthrough Official Trailer



And more importantly, MY opinion of it.  Yeah.

Well, it was in game footage.

Not exactly live game play and mostly a setup.

Okay, the world is looking nice.

But most of all I love the build mode/gallery options.  I can get flaky with my playing and sometimes just want to change up the house my sims live in.  Well, if I get that urge playing the Sims 4...BOOM!  New house.  Won't even have to wait until they walk off the lot  >:(  to give them a brand new house.

Lots of loading screens.  But if I'm not mistaken one of the words going across the bottom was "Shaving llamas"  WTF??

Overall, still not knocking my proverbial socks off.  It is a very VIBRANT looking game and yes, I mean that in all caps.  Did Katy Perry have a hand in the design?  Where are the giant bananas?

Will I be getting it?  Of course!  Simmer for life!  It's just a matter of when.  I like where I am with Sims 3 and don't really see a need to move on right now.

And maybe I'm just a little grumpy that I still don't have access to the CAS Demo.  Okay, a lot grumpy.

Go 4th and Sim!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Random Sims Musings 7-8-14 Pondering Edition

Now that most of the outrage has died down from NO POOLS?  NO TODDLERS? NO MONEY EA! announcement, let's put things in perspective....yeah, not getting much on that front.

Okay how about this...The Sims Franchise is 14 years old.  There's been 3 computer games.  I'm gonna say probably 10 console games.  A few online versions.  And The Sims Medieval, The Sims Stories games and The Urbz (those only get their own line because they're kind of spin-offs)   There's a lot of veteran players, plenty who have been playing since Day 1 <raises hand> and have tried multiple other versions <raises hand again>.

That is a lot of material to draw from.  I can certainly see the influence of some of the other games that have crept into The Sims 4.  Which is good because with all that history why not pull from it?  And I'm sure it's incredibly difficult to sit down and figure out how to make the next game new and the same.  Have enough of old and new stuff to draw back long time players.  I'm not even going to try to include how to get new players in on this because I have no idea and it hurts my head to figure that out.

Now speaking as a veteran Simmer I think there are certain expectations that I have going into a new version.  Perhaps even things that are taken from granted that would be in the base game.  Stuff that I wouldn't even think twice about how it should or shouldn't be in the game.  Toddlers and pools are on that list.

I feel bad that the Sim Gurus had such hatred thrown their way.  I'm sure they put their all into putting The Sims 4 together.  But a lot of what has been shared so far seems like a step back.  I'm not really caring about the new walk styles but the emotions are intriguing me.  I can see from a gameplay stand where they're going with it.

I'm still having mixed feelings about this whole new game.  Still taking a wait and see stance on it.  For right now I'm still having fun with The Sims 3 and even dabbling again with The Sims 2 (turns out I don't hate it as much as I thought).  There's more stuff that's coming including the CAS demo and an actual game play video.  Maybe that will do stuff to calm the masses.

Go 4th and Sim!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Random Sims Musings 6-25-14: Cue the OUTRAGE!!!!!







Which is what some of the comments probably will be with this latest blog floating around the Simisphere.

Why Sim Guru Ryan is evil!!

I have such mixed feelings about Sims 4 as it is but no pools and no toddlers aren't really deal breakers for me.  The loss of CASt is a big one for me because I really did like all the different options so at least not everything looked the same.

No pools is kind of disappointing.  It's a nice addition to any house.  No toddlers?  Couldn't give two flying llamas about that.  I don't play legacy games, rotational style or with aging on.  Mostly just play single sims out doing their thing.  I have played families before and it's okay.  I usually just have a specific idea in mind and they just sit there unplayed when I move on to something else.

Now here's the most exciting thing I've read or heard so far and makes me all OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We also have beautiful Neighborhoods! Did you know that for the first time ever in The Sims, your Sims will be able to not only travel between Neighborhoods, but also between entire Worlds without having to start a new game!? This is something that I always wanted in The Sims 3, and I’m so excited to finally have it in The Sims 4. Neighborhoods and Worlds will be separated by a short load screen, but for the first time you’ll be able to live in one world and work (or play) in another! All of your Sim’s personality, accomplishments, and relationships stay with them as they travel around the best play-space we’ve ever created in a The Sims game.

Just wanted to make sure the important part was pointed out there.  This means I can have ONE GAME-ONE SIM-ONE WORLD.  Yeah, that's pretty freaking awesome!!  Now I know how I play and depending on how the whole save thing works (Sims 2 vs Sims 3) I'll still have games all over the place to try out different things.

So in conclusion I'm not feeling the hate that I'm sure many others are.  Yeah, got nothing else beyond that.

Let us all come together at this time and just embrace a new Sims world!  And fight the true evil in the world...CLOWNS!!!

Go 4th and Sim!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Random Sims Musings 6-14-14: Sims 4/E3 Edition

Yeah!  Another big Sims 4 demo has come and gone!  We know when the release date is!  And more details on features that have been featured before!  Look how you can push and pull things to make sims look like you!  Babies have legs!  You can play rotational style!

I figure by putting each piece of information followed by ! I'll get excited.  I'm just not feeling any sort of anticipation for Sims 4 coming out.  From what I hear and read it seems like they're going after the Sims 2 players.  Which is not me.

Here's what's not in The Sims 4 that I like:

-Complete open world

Maybe that's little stuff but it's what makes the game for me.  About the only thing that interests me right now is the new build mode.  I like building and decorating.  Sims 4 looks like it will make it easier to go back and correct stuff and change stuff without changing everything.  That's good!

Here's what's in The Sims 4 that I don't care about:

-Babies have legs
-No rabbitholes (Sims just walk off the lot and POOF!)
-Sims are simming all around you.
-Loading screens

Babies having legs seems to be a big deal...okay.  I didn't mind the burrito babies from Sims 3.  Now I get to watch an empty house instead of the rabbithole, where at least there was some action.  Ooh, wait!  Maybe I can go to the public areas and watch Sims be Sims!  As long as it's in the same neighborhood!

I have mixed feelings about this.  I'm ready for a fresh game but maybe not this one.  As of right now I can't see myself buying this game on Day 1.  I'm taking a wait and see attitude.  I definitely need more information.  Until then I'll stick with my Sims 3 game.

Go 4th and Sim! (Just not me, yet)

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Sims 4: Stories Official Gameplay Trailer

So there's this.  This game is looking better to me than it was.  It's helping that they're showing more gameplay though I'm really missing a hands on view of it and not just video snippets.  I hope at some point they do a producer's walkthrough like they did with all the old live chats.  I miss those.

Go 4th and Sim!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the 100th post to this blog!!!!!

Oh and this too.


There you have it folks. The future starts September 2, 2014!

Go 4th and Sim!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Five Years of Sims 3

Yeah, so today is almost over and I didn't even realize The Sims 3 was released today.  As a Simmer 4 Life I should really note these days and be ready with quips and quotes.  I'll work on that.  But for now I'll just share a quick reflection on what this game means to me.

I started playing The Sims on day 1, missed a few expansion packs.  I got into The Sims 2 late in the game but finally managed to get the whole game, minus a few stuff packs.  The Sims 3 I've also been playing since the beginning and have bought all the expansions and all the stuff packs even when I didn't have a computer to play it on.

It's my favorite game of the three.  I know there are bugs and glitches but I don't care.  It's become everything I thought it could.  For right now I can see myself playing it long after it's officially over.  I just have way too much invested into it.  And that's about it.  Nothing big, nothing amazing here.  It's simply just my escape from things where I can create my own little world and just want my little pixel people go on about their day.

Not sure I can feel the same about Sims 4.  There's just not enough info out there yet for me and unless things change for me I probably won't have the money to get it either.  So there's that.  In closing I'll just throw this out there.

The first screenshot I took in The Sims 3.
 Looks like Serendipity is waiting for something to cook. 
Such is the life of a Sim.

This is the first video I recorded in The Sims 3.
Too bad I didn't know to turn the sound on.  Looks
like one guy like it.  Is that a Frio brother?

So that's it.  I have quite the collection of mostly pictures now that I really should do something with.  Like something BIG! But like many of my other projects it's bigger than I have time for.  Such is the life of a Simmer.

Go 4th and Sim!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Sims 4: Build Mode Official Gameplay Trailer

So today we have this.

This looks way more appealing to me than Create-a-Sim even though it's still the same push and pull concept.

Adjusting walls is nice.

Adjusting wall heights is nice.

Adjusting foundations is nice.

The updated blue print mode is looking good, too.

But there's one thing I noticed hidden in one of the menus that just might make me buy this game...

Yeah, something that's been missing in Sims 3.  Shrubs in animal shapes!  There's another one but I can't really tell what it is.  So after watching the whole video that's the one thing I take away from it.  That and maybe I can finally build a roof that won't make me want to throw myself off of one.

Looking forward for more info to come soon from E3 and they better not disappoint!  (Like taking away Create-a-Style!  Boo!  Hiss!)

Go 4th and Sim!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Sims 4: Create A Sim Official Gameplay Trailer

So this was released today.

I so want to be in love with this new game but I'm just not there yet.  Yeah, not much else to say.  Bella looks like Bella but  How can he be older with wrinkles when they were just kids?  Sorry not buying that one.  And I'm not buying Mortimer with a mustache.  That's the creepy Sims 1 Morty.  I didn't like him then.  He was always giving my Sim a backrub.  Usually right in front of Bella!  Ewww!

I was reading some message boards and they were nitpicking everything about this video.  Like Bella is clearly a darker skins Asian woman with shorter hair.  WTF???  I will just say this...people see what they want to see.  Cuz besides maybe the shorter hair and darker skin I don't see Asian.  I think that has more to do with the artwork of the Sims 1.

So final verdict, I'm going to wait for some more in depth gameplay videos.  Yeah, nothing groundbreaking or earth shattering here.

Go 4th and Sim!

P.S. I need me some fourth generation Bob Newbie!   

Friday, April 25, 2014

Spring Cleaning

So my Sims game is a mess.  Oh it plays fine but I just have all sorts of stuff saved to it.  Lots of well, lots and lots of saved games that all seemed like a good idea at the time.  So what's a simmer to do with such a mess??

Damned if I know.  Though my latest greatest plan is to make yet another backup of things.  Then sort through the library and go from there.  My one thing that I'd like to do is to have one sim in one game and with the help of the Traveler mod play it as one big huge world.  That's already mostly the way I think of the game anyway.  I have lots that I've made especially for certain worlds.  Like an amusement pier for Barnacle Bay, a nightclub for Roaring Heights and a couple resorts for Lucky Palms and Monte Vista.

Honestly it's getting old fixing the mistakes of how this game thinks a world should be.  I hate that depending on the world certain lots get put in and I hate where the lots end up.  Plus it doesn't always make sense for every world to have the same kind of lots.  And it would put the store venues to better use if they go into the world they were intended for.  But but my versions since I like them better.  :)

And honestly again...I like building slightly more than playing.

Anyway, there's still five months or so before the release of Sims 4 and unless I see something that knocks my socks off, I'm still on the fence about it.  Looks like there may be some, really any news coming soon which would be nice.  But yeah, I'm still sticking with Sims 3 until something else looks better I guess.

So that is Plan 3820.44 for how I'm going play The Sims 3.  Success or failure???  Who cares?

Zuzi doesn't have the answer.

Go 4th and Sim!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Random Sims Musings 3-24-14: Retro Old School Edition

Lately I've been bouncing around between all three Sims games.  For right now I'm playing the same Sim in the same house and just experiencing things from there.  It's been a challenge to try to do that.  Building is just not the same across the platforms.  Duh, I guess.  I suppose at another time I can do a more in depth comparison but for now this will just be some quick observations.

Sims 1 is still fun for me even though it doesn't play well with Windows 7.  I installed it and played for awhile but somehow a Sims Rapture came down and took all my sims.  Bob, Betty, the whole Goth clan...every single one.  :(

I did not let that deter me.  I made some new sims and so far I've been able to play.  I still enjoy it and it's still fun for me.  Even though I can't seem to get my Sim's needs met but that's just how it goes.  I think I'm missing the better expansions though.  I don't have Superstar, Vacation and Makin' Magic.  And just from reading what other Simmers say those three, specifically Makin' Magic, seem to be the most popular and beloved.  A quick search on Amazon seems like they'd be easy enough to get.  So that's something to consider.

I've having mixed feelings about Sims 2.  There are definitely some things that are better.  Like the careers and objects.  Like the stuff from Freetime.  I wasn't a big fan of Open for Business but I did like what it added to the game.  I know this game still has a solid fanbase and people are still making stuff for it but I'm just not in love with it.  Don't get me wrong the comparison from 1 to 2 is amazing when making the jump.  I think my problem with it that it's too close to Sims 3.

I got into Sims 2 maybe the last year or so when it was current.  As soon as Sims 3 came out I got it but still played both.  Sims 2 just couldn't compare for me.  The open world, CAS, the whole look of the game was just better to me.  I try building and it's frustrating when I can't do something I can in Sims 3.  But I'm giving it a chance and it's staying on the computer.  Besides I think it's so cute to see pets heading off the carpool for work!  Wish it was that easy to make pets earn their keep in real life.

Which brings me to Sims 3 and the reason that I even went and installed the old games.  I've been playing it since the beginning, including all the expansions and stuff packs.  At this point it's almost been there done that.  There's just a lot of stuff out for it and I don't ever seem to have enough time to play as I'd like.  Yeah, common gripe for everybody about anything.

One majorly minor or maybe minorly major gripe is all the cool stuff that's being released in the store.  It's all coming out to fill the gaps between Sims 2 and Sims 3.  I just want the objects and don't really want to have plunk down some serious Simoleons for a new venue or even a new world for one or two things.  And it's frustrating to wait for it to become available for single purchase.  But it is what it is.

I'm not even sure where Sims 4 falls into this.  The lack of information is frustrating and it makes it hard to get excited about something that's due for release in six months.  Maybe it's still a long way off to show anything to get excited about.  What I've seen and heard so far....meh.  I know the people who've actually had a hands on demo with what's available were impressed but that's just not an option for me.

So for now I sit with my multiple Simsverses and squeeze out every bit of enjoyment I can.

Bob is hungry for something but what?  I understand Bob.
I have the same feeling of emptiness sometimes, too.

Go 4th and Sim!

Friday, March 14, 2014

This thing on??

Yeah, so it's been awhile.  No reason really.  Just busy.  It's nothing personal.  No, really it's not.  I have been playing  The Sims 1, 2 and 3.  Sims 1 got borked and I lost all the sims.  Bob, Betty, Mortimer, Bella, The Hicks, all gone. :( I have no idea what happened.

Old game + Windows 7 = Disaster???

I've tried to get into The Sims 2 because it does have quite the fan base.  I'm trying, really I am but it's not doing it for me.  I still have all my old save and downloads and maybe if I put all them in the game but I doubt it.

My favorite is still the current version but I think I have too much going on in it.  Too many saves without really playing.  Too much stuff to do but I still feel like I've done it all but I really haven't.  :/  What to do?  I did start a new game that I have a semi outline of what I want to do, I just need the time to play.

What I want to do more!

At least with 3 versions on the computer now I can play something no matter how much time I have.  And that's a good thing!

Go 4th and Sim!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Happy Birthday to The Sims!

Yes, 14 years ago on this day The Sims was released.  Now I really had planned on something epic.  And I still may do something (especially since The Sims themselves are celebrating all month).  So for now this is like realizing you have a surprise party to go to in 15 minutes and you live 20 minutes away and you're stopping at the drug store and just buying the first card and thing you see.

Now I present...Bob Newbie In Sunset Valley!

Go 4th and Sim!

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Big Game Action!!!

There are some big sport events coming up in the next few weeks and your sims need a place to watch them all.  Sim Acres presents Bud Buddy's Sport Locker!

 Whoa!  Three TV's behind the bar and TWO clocks to keep track of game time??

 Whoa! Gumballs AND basketball??

 Whoa!  I can have a table with MY OWN TV??

 Whoa! An outdoor area for tailgating on game day??

Whoa! A front door??

Thank you for asking!  The answer is YES to all these questions!  And don't forget the one of a kind memorabilia!

Get yours here now!!!!

Go 4th and Sim!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Awards Season is here!

Yeah, it's that time of year where people pat themselves on the back for what wondrous accomplishments that added to the betterment of humanity for the last year.  Here at Sim Acres we completely and totally embrace this.

So it is my great honor to announce that for the second year in a row Sim Acres has won the newly renamed Bob Newbie Excellence in Creation Award or The Best Sims Site I Created Award.

Here is the quickly made graphic to prove it.

It is truly an honor to accept this award for the second year running!  We hope to continue to titillate the masses to the highest quality that our audience has come to expect!

Go 4th and Sim! 

Thursday, January 9, 2014

So it seems the holidays are over...

and I will get around to de-holidayizing this blog soon.  Just need to find something SUPER EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111 to replace it.

Go 4th and Sim!

I know I will!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Sim Acres Presents The Sim of the Year

Presenting the first annual Sim Acres Sim of the Year!!!  After careful consideration the sim who is the simmest of the year is Serendipity Sunflower.  My first Sim, my best Sim!

She's been a rock star, Leader of the Free World, Stylist (House of Serendipity-Sunset Valley), Author (Alien Zombies Ate My Pie, Young Llamas In Love), Artist, Resort Owner (Seaside Serendipity-Isla Paradiso, Serendipity Resort and Casino-Lucky Palms) and World Adventurer (France).  Now currently Sing-A-Gram-ing her way to the top in Roaring Heights!

The worlds most interesting Sim?  Perhaps.  She's tops in my book!

Congrats, Serendipity!  You couldn't do it without me!

Go 4th and Sim!

Happy Happy 2014!

Well, made it through another year!  Lots of up and downs for me and my Sims.  Saw the end of this chapter in Sims history and the beginning of a new one.  Nothing against Seasons (I know that was 2012 but computer problems pushed it to 2013 for me) and University Life but Island Paradise and Into the Future were both an amazingly fantastic way to finish things up.  Nor do I want to forget Roaring Heights.  It's really my favorite world right now.

Mostly what I want to do is just take a few steps back and look at the stuff I haven't done or played with yet.  I know there are people that are playing a do-it-all challenge but that's not really for me.  The last thing I want is for my game to feel like work.  Get so wrapped up in little details that I forget to enjoy what I'm doing.  So I'm doing that in my own way.  For example, I took my go-to sim Serendipity Sunflower and put her in Roaring Heights and having her Sing-a-Gram her way to the top of the Singer profession.  I have to admit it's not the most exciting performer profession to watch.  And do the residents really need encouragement after every workout?  But it's not a bad way to tour the town and to meet the residents.

I also may give another go to starting over with a fresh Sim in Sunset Valley and just trying to play through all the expansions in some form.  I tried it once before but the game got messed up and of course I didn't have a back up.  Stupid of me, I know.

I would also like to put more work into this blog and the tumblr page.  I think I really need a creative outlet because I really do have tons of ideas and I do love when the stuff just comes together *cough Christmas Posts cough*

And mostly if I can figure it out and probably by working at it actually try to get a real audience to visit beside spam bots.

In closing here are some random pictures.

Serendipity chilling at her resort in Isla Paradiso.

And Gunther Goth in a fruit hat, because why not!

Here's going 4th into 2014 Simtacularly!*

* I haven't had enough sleep. That's my excuse and I'm sticking with it.