Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The Sims 4 CAS Demo

FINALLY got my hands on this (along with everyone else).  <mutter mutter>  Okay, whining over.  And the verdict is....I dunno.

I really miss the sliders because it's not always easy to move stuff around.  And honestly I don't see myself molding each part of the face.  I'd like to see all the accessories under one tab.  I don't understand why some t-shirts come in five colors and some only in one.  And yes, I understand it's a demo so the choices aren't going to be there.  I hope that when the game ships there are a more rounded choices of clothing.

 And for the love of all things llama and/or Freezer Bunny why is it so hard to get colors that match???  Yes, I'm missing CASt.  I would go to put a top and bottom together and the colors would just be a shade or two off enough to clash.  Maybe in Sims 5?

Now for the stuff I liked.  Yes, there are things I liked.  For one, hats on any head and boots in pants.  I like how things are separated by type.  I haven't really used any of the filters but as the choices grow I can see how that will be a good feature.  

The choice of hair are pretty good, at least of the ladies.  I like the longer styles in The Sims 4 but I do miss the detail with highlights and such.  The faces look pretty good and I think I'm getting the hang of making Sims that don't all look the same.  But that will probably still take some work.

I liked looking at some of the Sims in the gallery which is a nice feature.  Just as a side note I could do without the celebrities especially all the copies of the Frozen chicks.  And Kim Kardashian.  Gag.  Another strange this was not letting me upload sims based on their names.  So Duke Dinger and Nigel Ledbetter will only live in my game.  Well, at least Nigel will.  I kept him cuz he turned out cute.

Now the most important thing....PICTURES!!!

Serendipity Sunflower-The first version of her didn't come out good enough for me.  I went back and used the Sims 3 version to spruce her up.  I'm much happier with this version.  New and Improved!

And another one of Serendipity.

One of the most important things I had to decide was who to create first.  Serendipity was actually second.  I had to go old school and make the first sim I ever made...Belle Blu
Belle Blu 1.0

Belle Blu 2.0

Belle Blu 3.0

And finally.............
Belle Blu 4.0!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think the latest is my favorite version.

Yes, big improvement in 14 years.

I liked playing around with it (Origin says I played 9 hours yesterday :O)  I made 16 households that I saved.  There may have been a few more that didn't make it.  Including an ugly sim.  I will try to collect more pictures because...because.

The bottom line is that I'm still on the fence about The Sims 4.  I know I won't be getting it when it comes out because it's just not in the budget but getting to play with the CAS demo a little I'm feeling better about it.  I'm still a Simmer 4 Life so again it's not a matter of if I buy it, it's a matter of when.

Go 4th and Sim!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

SimCity Free Demo

Last night I took advantage of the free four hour demo of SimCity.   And first off just want to say the reviews weren't wrong.  The maps are way too small, making city layout awkward.  But the actual buildings are HUGE.  Maybe if the scale of things were a bit smaller it wouldn't be as bad.

Since I only had four hours to play I didn't get to play around with the settings.  And heck, didn't even find the settings until I had about a half-hour left to play.  But the graphics were just...not good.  Now this could be my computer.  It's not exactly on the newer side not exactly highest of specs but it really reminded me of The Streets of SimCity or even my beloved SimCopter.  Yeah, getting a totally 90's groove there.  I tried pushing stuff to the highest settings but nothing really changed.

Overall, it wasn't a bad game.  It was still SimCity enough but I'm not rushing out to buy it.  I think the single player mode was the best they could've added to it.  I can't imagine playing a region waiting for other people to help you out.  It seems like I was pushed into adding more stuff before I could fully realize what I even wanted to do.  This was probably because I was on a time limit of playing though.  I'm sure once I had the game I could play around with a region and make it into something I wanted.

And because they are sims, they will complain.  But as you can see, the city wasn't doing all that well.  Apparently, you can take pictures and movies but I never figured it out until I hit the C key and got this gem.

 I don't have any commentary on all the new Sims 4 news since I didn't really look at the new info.  But from the little I've seen, still feeling all meh about it.  Good thing I can't afford a new game right now anyway.

Go 4th and Sim!  Simmer 4 life!

And don't think I don't see some sort of irony that I use the 4's up there despite my feelings for this new version.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Insert Missing Demo Here

I'm just going to come right out and say it...I'm pissed that I don't have the Sims 4 CAS Demo.  Maybe I'm acting like a spoiled brat who feels they deserve it and yeah, I don't care.

I can understand getting the demo in the hands of Youtubers and websites for review but it just seems like more normal players have it and some people who haven't even really played The Sims 3.  What's the point of releasing to the general public when most people are going to have it before then?  I know I'm being pissy about it but it's hard to see all this new stuff from other players like me and I can take part in it.  I'm pretty much avoiding any Sims 4 news except in the most glancing way.

I think this will probably be the last I say of this in public (such as my "public" is) I'll just stew over in my corner here.

Of course I should say that I reserve the right to change my opinion if circumstances change.

Go 4th and Sim!  Simmer4life!