Friday, November 29, 2013

Random Non-Sims Musings Black Friday Edition

I really don't get the whole Black Friday Must Shop attitude.  It's just much nicer to stay home and buy online or hit up stores when it's not so crowded.  Or just not buy anyone any gifts.  But maybe that's just me.

Christmas will be over soon.

Go 4th and Sim!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Sim Acres Black Friday Blowout!!!

Stuff yourself then stuff your Simsverse with all the exciting expansions and stuff packs you've missed out at the Origin Black Friday sale!  Save up to 60%!!  Then there's the big sale in the Sims 3 store!!!

With all that shopping, who feels like building anything??  Not me!!!  So head on over to the Sims Acres Studio to pick up some great lots to add to your game!!!!  Believe me when I say your worlds are NOT complete without such great lots as...

Pillager's Retreat

Pirates of Pizzaz Style House

Roll N' Bowl

Serendipity Resort and Casino

And let's forget such Sim Acres Classics as

Salty Dog Amusement Pier  (info)  (download) Perfect for the new world of Roaring Heights!!

Lil' White Chapel O' Love (info) (download) Because love is always in season!

Check out the rest of my stuff here!  Keep coming back because you never know when I might add something!!

So instead of fighting the crowds at ungodly hours in bad weather, stay home, nice and warm in front of your computer and spend quality holiday time with your Sims!  Don't they deserve fun new places to go and things to do???  Of course they do!

Go 4th and download more Sim stuff!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm feeling thankful for the small things today.  And my birthday!
And of course The Sims!

Go 4th, be bountiful and Sim!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Check this thing on??

Yeah, I've been neglecting this thing lately.  Too much work, too many pity parties.  I dunno, since I messed up my game I just haven't felt like playing much.  The thought of redoing the few buildings I lost just seems like too much work right now.  And as always I have more ideas than time to do them all.

Okay, enough of the Debbie Downer stuff.  This week is Thanksgiving and my birthday.  I acknowledge the birthday but not the age.  Yeah, I'm aware of it but don't have to pay attention to it.

Now I'm going into build mode to figure out where to go from here.

Go 4th and Sim!

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Random Sims Musings 11-17-13 I should know better edition

So yeah, I was trying to do stuff with my game that I know I should've and I messed it up.  All my current saves got borked and I thought all my screenshots and videos were gonzo.   And what caused this???  All because 20 minutes was too long to wait for the files to copy in case I messed up my game by putting potentially bad files in.  Yeah, what a fucking idiot.  But luckily I have been better about saving and backups especially with the mess I had last year.

So basically I lost two months worth of work but with the way I play if I can even call it that.  I figure that I've lost two new lots and one I redid along with two months of videos and screenshots.  Which considering that I thought I lost everything from the last six months is something I can deal with.

Something else I realized is that I have Sims folders all over my computer.  WTF??  Yeah, really think I need to go back and figure out a better system.  For now I'm glad I don't have too much work to do to get the game back to where it mostly was.

And I've learned my lesson.  At least until I think I remember and don't and forget what I did and get myself in a mess all over again.  Hello sunburn!

Go 4th and Sim!