Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Random Sims Musings 6-25-14: Cue the OUTRAGE!!!!!







Which is what some of the comments probably will be with this latest blog floating around the Simisphere.

Why Sim Guru Ryan is evil!!

I have such mixed feelings about Sims 4 as it is but no pools and no toddlers aren't really deal breakers for me.  The loss of CASt is a big one for me because I really did like all the different options so at least not everything looked the same.

No pools is kind of disappointing.  It's a nice addition to any house.  No toddlers?  Couldn't give two flying llamas about that.  I don't play legacy games, rotational style or with aging on.  Mostly just play single sims out doing their thing.  I have played families before and it's okay.  I usually just have a specific idea in mind and they just sit there unplayed when I move on to something else.

Now here's the most exciting thing I've read or heard so far and makes me all OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We also have beautiful Neighborhoods! Did you know that for the first time ever in The Sims, your Sims will be able to not only travel between Neighborhoods, but also between entire Worlds without having to start a new game!? This is something that I always wanted in The Sims 3, and I’m so excited to finally have it in The Sims 4. Neighborhoods and Worlds will be separated by a short load screen, but for the first time you’ll be able to live in one world and work (or play) in another! All of your Sim’s personality, accomplishments, and relationships stay with them as they travel around the best play-space we’ve ever created in a The Sims game.

Just wanted to make sure the important part was pointed out there.  This means I can have ONE GAME-ONE SIM-ONE WORLD.  Yeah, that's pretty freaking awesome!!  Now I know how I play and depending on how the whole save thing works (Sims 2 vs Sims 3) I'll still have games all over the place to try out different things.

So in conclusion I'm not feeling the hate that I'm sure many others are.  Yeah, got nothing else beyond that.

Let us all come together at this time and just embrace a new Sims world!  And fight the true evil in the world...CLOWNS!!!

Go 4th and Sim!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Random Sims Musings 6-14-14: Sims 4/E3 Edition

Yeah!  Another big Sims 4 demo has come and gone!  We know when the release date is!  And more details on features that have been featured before!  Look how you can push and pull things to make sims look like you!  Babies have legs!  You can play rotational style!

I figure by putting each piece of information followed by ! I'll get excited.  I'm just not feeling any sort of anticipation for Sims 4 coming out.  From what I hear and read it seems like they're going after the Sims 2 players.  Which is not me.

Here's what's not in The Sims 4 that I like:

-Complete open world

Maybe that's little stuff but it's what makes the game for me.  About the only thing that interests me right now is the new build mode.  I like building and decorating.  Sims 4 looks like it will make it easier to go back and correct stuff and change stuff without changing everything.  That's good!

Here's what's in The Sims 4 that I don't care about:

-Babies have legs
-No rabbitholes (Sims just walk off the lot and POOF!)
-Sims are simming all around you.
-Loading screens

Babies having legs seems to be a big deal...okay.  I didn't mind the burrito babies from Sims 3.  Now I get to watch an empty house instead of the rabbithole, where at least there was some action.  Ooh, wait!  Maybe I can go to the public areas and watch Sims be Sims!  As long as it's in the same neighborhood!

I have mixed feelings about this.  I'm ready for a fresh game but maybe not this one.  As of right now I can't see myself buying this game on Day 1.  I'm taking a wait and see attitude.  I definitely need more information.  Until then I'll stick with my Sims 3 game.

Go 4th and Sim! (Just not me, yet)

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The Sims 4: Stories Official Gameplay Trailer

So there's this.  This game is looking better to me than it was.  It's helping that they're showing more gameplay though I'm really missing a hands on view of it and not just video snippets.  I hope at some point they do a producer's walkthrough like they did with all the old live chats.  I miss those.

Go 4th and Sim!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the 100th post to this blog!!!!!

Oh and this too.


There you have it folks. The future starts September 2, 2014!

Go 4th and Sim!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Five Years of Sims 3

Yeah, so today is almost over and I didn't even realize The Sims 3 was released today.  As a Simmer 4 Life I should really note these days and be ready with quips and quotes.  I'll work on that.  But for now I'll just share a quick reflection on what this game means to me.

I started playing The Sims on day 1, missed a few expansion packs.  I got into The Sims 2 late in the game but finally managed to get the whole game, minus a few stuff packs.  The Sims 3 I've also been playing since the beginning and have bought all the expansions and all the stuff packs even when I didn't have a computer to play it on.

It's my favorite game of the three.  I know there are bugs and glitches but I don't care.  It's become everything I thought it could.  For right now I can see myself playing it long after it's officially over.  I just have way too much invested into it.  And that's about it.  Nothing big, nothing amazing here.  It's simply just my escape from things where I can create my own little world and just want my little pixel people go on about their day.

Not sure I can feel the same about Sims 4.  There's just not enough info out there yet for me and unless things change for me I probably won't have the money to get it either.  So there's that.  In closing I'll just throw this out there.

The first screenshot I took in The Sims 3.
 Looks like Serendipity is waiting for something to cook. 
Such is the life of a Sim.

This is the first video I recorded in The Sims 3.
Too bad I didn't know to turn the sound on.  Looks
like one guy like it.  Is that a Frio brother?

So that's it.  I have quite the collection of mostly pictures now that I really should do something with.  Like something BIG! But like many of my other projects it's bigger than I have time for.  Such is the life of a Simmer.

Go 4th and Sim!