Saturday, August 10, 2013

Random Sims Musings 8-10-13

So lately I'm been trying to figure out what to do with this little Sims empire I'm trying to create and don't really know what to do with it.  I would like it to be something.  Something people see of course would be nice.  But for now I figure I'll just plug along trying to get my stuff out there as best I can.  Got the whole tumblr account set up and I'll be using that for more creative things, like stories and profiles of my Sims.  I have an idea for one, I just need to work on it.  I have all sorts of pictures and mostly have stories behind my sims.  Now I would just like to put them together so maybe other people can come across it.    We'll see how this all goes.

On another topic, I watched the trailer and a few videos for Grand Theft Auto V.  Sadly, it doesn't seem to be for the PC but only for consoles which I do not own.  I like the look of it and open game play is always good.  Back in the day I bought the Vice City game and couldn't get past the second mission.  It was hard for me to play it on the PS2.  Mostly I would just have the guy steal cars and blow things up.

Anyway, I got to thinking about The Sims 4 while watching the new videos and I know there are people out there don't want it to look too realistic but to me it seems to be the direction to go.  I don't want cartoony looking Sims.  I want them to look real but still look like they're drawn.  I hated the look of The Sims 2.  They all had weird expressions and they're heads were shaped wrong.  In The Sims 3 I do get a sense that there are different looking sims around town.  Personally, I end up just making all mine looking the same or very similar but oh well.

Guess we'll just have to wait until Gamescom next week to see The Sims 4 gameplay.  Would love to go to something like that but with no money, no passport and hard to take time off from work it's not really possible.

Go 4th and Sim!

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