Sunday, October 6, 2013

Random Sims Musing 10-6-13 Sim City Update Edition

I just got finished reading this article about the State of Sim City.  Now I don't own this game but I may get it eventually especially once The Sims 3 has finished it's run and I have money to spend on other things.  :)  The size of the maps has been an issue since Day 1 at least when the servers were working at the time and an offline mode.

Again not having had played it except for a beta version on a computer that couldn't handle it and just going on my experience with previous versions I think I may be okay with a smaller city size.  I usually get lost when I tried bigger cities and preferred the smaller ones.  The guy did say that did look into it and it just wouldn't work out.

Reading the comments on articles like this always makes me laugh..  Some of the commenters don't understand what goes into something this huge.  I believe I may have mentioned this in another musing but the creative teams behind this have to make something that runs for the majority of players and yeah things are going to fall on the wayside (or whatever that  phrase is).  It's nothing personal, people!

What I do think is that they took a really good game and made some really bad decisions with it.  Online only was the biggest one.  It really shouldn't been added later and optional.  But it is what it is and they have to live with those choices.  Hopefully they can come up with and offline mode.  Not that it will still satisfy everyone.

Ahh, people are just a bunch of crybabies and whiners.

Go 4th and Sim!

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