Friday, February 22, 2013

Random Sim City Musings

So I figured I got this blog sitting here and I might as well use it for something since I can't really play my game the way I'd like.  Which is to just get it running period.  A few months back the computer borked itself and it took a few months to get it back and running.  It's still not running good but it's five years old.  Now I find myself with some extra cash so maybe I can spare some to get a new machine.  I need something to play The Sims.  We shall see what comes with that.

Last weekend I was lucky enough to play the closed beta of Sim City.  Don't be hatin' just cuz I got connections.  Now despite the fact that my video card wasn't good enough and my computer is running on half the RAM it should and the graphics were just lines and not even fully formed buildings.  I liked it.  It's a bit steep for me to get when it comes out (especially on the same day University does) but maybe down the line I will.  It was my gateway game into everything Sim.  I had the DOS version with the red paper that you had to match the symbols on it to play.  Sim Ant, Sim Life, Sim Tower, Sim Copter (would really love to see that one update <3 <3 <3 it!!!), Streets of Sim City and finally The Sims.

But back to Sim City.  I really liked how you can see how all the Sims are living in the city.  It's like peeking into people's windows to see what's going on.  Not that I do that of course.  Then I watched the live chat the other day celebrating 10 years since Sim City 4.  Didn't even realize it had been that long since it's release.  It was a nice to see the process of how the new one came to be.  Of course I've owned and played  probably every version of Sim City out there.

Even Sim City Societies and Destinations.  Those were interesting to me.  Not so much because I played them but it seems like glimpse of what was to come.  Getting on the street level and being able to follow a Sims as they go about their business.  To be honest I kinda just set it up with unlimited money and would just build.  Why follow those pesky rules and wait for things to become unlocked??  No sir, I want it to play with it all now!!

Right now it seems The Sim franchise is going full speed ahead.  There's at least another year of stuff for Sims 3.  Sim City seems to be a big thing too though it's hard to imagine to expand on it, at least for me.  Then probably Sims 4, which is something I'd never thought I'd even be thinking about it.

I guess as far as hobbies go I could've picked worse.  It's not cheap but it's not the most expensive thing either.  I honestly don't know how gamers keep up with all the new games coming out.  One franchise is enough for me to keep up with.

And because a post wouldn't be complete without a picture...

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